Thursday, July 5, 2007

Last Day @ office

July 3rd , Tuesday.

The day i was looking forward to, for the last 2 months. I was thinking of a great & fun way to say goodbye. Then it hit me "To the life beyond...", this was going to be the subject of my good bye mail. and the image, just look below

The email also included 6 pics of me and office dudes. These images covered my life at the company for the last 3 years. The guys loved the email. One manager even asked me how to edit the tombstone (so that's why the URL is included above).

My team also gave gifts, one was a Binoculars. I was supposed to use it for "bird" watching ;-)

I was a little worried the entire day about starting work at ThoughtWorks the next day. You see I've lost contact with the concept of working! No work for the last 4 months.


Nice Guy said...

Good way to impress the bosses. You can edit other image templates on

archana said...

cool :)

Anonymous said...

Good words.