Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tim Ferriss - The Twitter experiment

To follow Tim ferriss at twitter click http://bit.ly/3Bp3Oe
To read about his twitter  experiment, click http://bit.ly/11WX10

I love this Guy! He's the author of 4 Hour Work Week, a very interesting read. So he's started off this twitter experiment, every follower for Tim will help donate $3 for american schools.

The fascinating thing is to watch out how this social media exercise will bring in people with mostly word of the mouth and internet social media marketing.

In turn, I plan to get completly involved in this experiment. Web 2.0 - the potential is unlimited.

I started off promoting this experiment in 
2)My Blog
5)Yahoo messenger status (imkeshav)
6)Google talk status (keshavram)

I'll try more stuff later.

You can also help by promoting from your own sources, friends, mass mailers, shouting around etc.

Copy the link http://bit.ly/3Bp3Oe or http://bit.ly/11WX10
 You can also create your own link at bit.ly. It will track all the clicks and maybe  you can win a prize from Tim for bringing in followers.

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